Sugar Hand Scrub

I had a few mason jars left over from all of the Amish jam I have bought the past several months, so I was trying to come up with something creative to put in them... and I came up with a hand scrub!

There are a ton of recipes on the internet for sugar hand scrubs, but I did not want to have to go out and buy any ingredients. I just used what was in my kitchen! It is a concoction of sorts that smells very yummy... since it is all natural, you could even eat it! I may or may not have been tempted to sample a little of it :)

Here is what I used to make the scrub:

- olive oil (moisturizes)
- brown sugar (you can use white sugar, but I chose brown because it has a finer texture... this is the "scrub")
- cinnamon (kills bacteria)
- honey (soothes skin)
- vanilla extract (smells yummy!)

Simply mix all of these ingredients until you get the desired texture. I do not have exact measurements because I just kept adding ingredients until it I got the consistency I wanted.

I would encourage you to play around with what you have in your cupboards. This is very simple to make, and you can not go wrong with it.

You can use coconut oil instead of olive oil if you prefer. I chose not to because I did not want the scrub to set up firm. Coconut oil at room temperature is a solid.

Find a cute container to put your scrub in and keep it in the bathroom. Your guests will love to use this as it will make their hands incredibly soft!

For my container, I used a small mason jar, and I wrapped it with burlap and tied hemp around it. I made a cute little tag to go with it so that my guests would know what it is and use it!

Enjoy your silky soft hands!
